This New Moon in Libra takes place during the October 2021 Mercury RX which is BEGGING us to start to revolutionize the way we see our selves & our relationships. We need to carefully examine the way we express & eject our intimacy, our love, our emotions & our energy towards others.
Are we holding balance & standing in our truth while we are filling others cups? Or are we pouring to much from our own to others before checking in with ourselves?
Remember you must learn the value of yourself & your worth & divinity before you can share your energy with the people around you.
A New Moon in Libra calls for a reevaluation in current intentions, new ventures, new relationships & new manifestations.

Libra, being ruled by Venus asks us to move with love, harmony, grace, balance & beauty.
She reminds us that in order to experience the beautiful moments in life we must learn & understand the importance of standing grounded & adamant in your own respect of self before allowing others into your energy field, which harmonizes perfectly with the themes of a New Moon.
Ensure that you are preserving your highest divinity of self & are always putting your highest love of self first.
This New Moon is in opposition with Chiron, “the wounded healer”. This opposition during a New Moon allows us to mend & heal certain broken relationships from the past, as well as healing & forgiving old wounds within our self.
Allow this New Moon to release & heal past resentment, heart ache & neglect of self love.
Allow her to remind you that the universe is guiding you & that you are worthy of the most beautiful & magickal love of self & from others.
Blessed Be ✨